The Goddess & Sacred Sex

The Goddess & Sacred Sex

The Goddess & Sacred Sex
Goddess Energy is A Pure Feminine Essence of Love.
The Goddess & Sacred Sex is a Portal for A New Level of Consciousness That Promotes The Awakening of Masculine & Feminine Energies in
The Divine Dance Of Sexual Union.
The Goddess Tells Us That Our Bodies are Sacred Vessels Filled with The Ability To Transcend The Realms of The Physical & Connect Through The Act of Sex With Divinity.
The Goddess Reminds Us That Sacred Sex is So Much More than Just The Physical Joining of Our Bodies in Orgasmic Delight.
It is about Merging with The Soul Through The Awakened Vibration of The Heart That Remembers Bliss Beyond Measure. She Reminds Us That We are Gods & Goddesses Walking This Earth & We Have Attributes & Potentials That Lift Us Beyond This Realm of The Physical & Into The Divine Higher Dimensions.
Male/Female Polarities Connect With Each Other Through Sacred Sexual Energy. The Energetic & Magnetic The Yin & Yang from Spiritual & Physical. It is How Life is Created & How Life is Connected With Source/Creator. Source is Both Polarities Together, Connected To God/Goddess.
So in Essence Threw The Act of Sacred Sex or Tantric Sex or Twin Flame Unity Is One Of The Ways We Can Channel Higher Energy & Vibrations From Source & How We Manifest Source Divine Love in Our Reality.
Intercourse is an Important Part of Sexuality, However Sexual Energy Extends Far Beyond Intercourse To a Much Deeper Spiritual Level.
This is Very Natural in The Higher Realities Where Beings Have Ascended & Have Not Been Partially Disconnected From The Source As We Have.
But here, it has been Attacked a lot, it has been an Integral Part of The Matrix & The Suppression of Feminine Energy. This Is Done To Create More Ego & More Chaos on The Physical Plane To Engineer Wars & Fear So Higher Goddess Love Energy Can Not Manifest in The Third Dimension.
Now, With The Return of The Goddess & Her Divine Love. Her Higher Feminine Energies are Reemerging Including The Trans-formative Power of The Kundalini Energy.
The Darkness Has Always Feared The Goddess & Therefore Suppressed Her Power Because it Destroys The Limited & illusory Identity of The Physical Ego & The Male Dominance.
Now With Goddess Energy Piercing Threw The Veil. Both Male & Female Has More Power To Tap Into The Divine Feminine (The Goddess) To Anchor More Of Her Divine Love To Humanity & Mother Gaia, Thus Raising The Vibrational Frequency of The Planet.
The Goddess – Is One of The Keys To Ascension & Restoring Balanced Consciousness.
As We Thus Become Lighter, More Blissful, Blessed & At Peace, We Assist The Earth’s Ascension by Collectively Anchoring These Higher Love Vibrations. This Enables Us To Integrate The Higher Masculine,(God) or Higher Will, Which Always Gives Consideration To The Collective Whole & is Aligned With Divine Law & The Divine Plan Of The Source.
The Goddess Has Returned.
Creator and Author.
Mike Harrigan.
I Am.
You Are.
We Are.
Global Consciousness..

 less sex between twin flame .. more likely you are as a real relation

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The Goddess & Sacred Sex
The Goddess & Sacred Sex
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