When a woman submits to a man … SUBMISSION V SURRENDER
I have never felt good about the word SUBMISSION…To me as a woman it feels controlling, compliant, powerless and boundWhereas I love the word SURRENDER…To me as a woman it feels vulnerable, sexy, powerful and free
What is the difference?
After all the end result is the same right?…
Definitely not…
And a writer from the heart who feels the energy of words, I always knew there was a distinct disparity in the energetic spectrum between surrender and submission…
SURRENDER feels much higher in vibration, more liberating in movement, much greater in flow, more pure in essence, than SUBMISSION…
It has just taken my mind a while to be able to articulate what that distinction is
At the end of the day both words are HOT topics filling the chatrooms and bedrooms of masculine and feminine dynamics… And individual preference is exactly that… INDIVIDUAL… Whatever FEELS good for you is right for you
You do you…
Let me be me…
Everyone is free
I can only speak on how the words resonate in my body…
In my heart
In my waters
In my soul
As a woman…
As a writer…
As an oracle
As love
When a woman SUBMITS to a man…
She gives him control…
He takes control
She has no control
She gives him power
He takes power
She has no power
When a woman submits to a man
LOVE is in control…
Neither is in control
Both are free to embody natural polarity
LOVE has the power…
Her power is vulnerability
His power is protection
LOVE has the final say…
He honours her
She trusts him
I always say…
Don’t surrender to him…
Surrender to love
For love is freedom
And freedom is love
Surrender is freedom
Submission is control
When she surrenders to him
When she is in her feminine heart
When she is open
When she reveres him
When he safeguards her
When he is in his masculine strength
When he is truth
When he adores her
Only love is their master…
And only love sets us free