Kunyaza a sexual technique for triggering female orgasm
Another way for lovemaking in Africa: Kunyaza, a traditional sexual technique for triggering female orgasm at heterosexual encounters
Kunyaza is a traditional sexual technique used in Central Africa, which has the reputation of triggering female orgasm during heterosexual encounters. The author describes and critically analyses the characteristics of this technique, which seems to strongly stimulate female orgasm and expulsion by the woman of large quantities of liquid.
The aim of this article is to present an uncommon sexual technique used, as far as we know, only in Burundi, Rwanda, the Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, Western Uganda and Western Tanzania (this area will be named Central Africa in the rest of the text) for triggering female orgasms during heterosexual encounters. For the first time, it is presented in a detailed and in depth manner to sexual health professionals.
This sexual practice termed in Rwanda and Burundi as kunyaza and in Uganda as kachabali has already been published in two popular books Le Secret de l’amour à l’Africaine (Bizimana, 2008) and Kunyaza. Multiple Orgasmen und weibliche Ejakulation mit afrikanischer Liebeskunst (Bizimana, 2009). In this article, we repeat only the matters that in our opinion are essential for sexual health professionals.
The data presented here are essentially based on information collected from 58 women and men during our interviews in Central Africa and from 30 readers of our popular books. We give only a summary of the results of our research, without going into the details regarding the exact number and the percentage rate of the informants from whom we obtained the data.
How is kunyaza practised?
During the simple practice of kunyaza, the man rhythmically and continuously strikes the glans of the clitoris with the glans of his erect penis, which he takes in his hand or between the index and the middle finger (Figure 1, Figure 2), moving in the same motion from top to bottom and vice versa or from left to right and vice versa. Eventually, he can make circular movements, also working in the same movement clockwise and then counterclockwise. Alternatively, one can strike both the glans and
In which positions is kunyaza practised?
Kunyaza is performed in many different positions. These positions have in common that they allow the man to, almost without interruption, alternate from the external to the internal stimulation and vice versa. Two types of positions can be differentiated: the traditional positions and the modern positions. The traditional positions are the classical positions, which the people have always used in the practice of kunyaza, whereas the modern positions are easy to use for people of contemporary
Kunyaza and triggering of female orgasm
Kunyaza is believed in Central Africa to be a good technique for triggering female orgasm. It was developed after the people empirically realised that only few women are able to reach orgasm through the use of PVP alone. According to these people in Central Africa, this African technique has, among others, the following characteristics: The woman may reach orgasm within 3 to 5 minutes and this can happen before the man has an orgasm. The external stimulation alone is enough to bring both woman
Production and expulsion of large quantities of liquid by the woman into the perineo-vulval region during the practice of kunyaza
During the practice of kunyaza, the woman generally produces and expels large quantities of liquid into the perineo-vulval region. This is why this kind of sex is called kunyaza, which literally means to make urinate. The genital area of the male often also gets wet and sometimes the wetness reaches the umbilical area due to the stroking movements. The men report that they get warm liquid on their penis.
Though the literal translation of kunyaza seems to suggest that the ejected liquid is urine,
Kunyaza seems to be a good technique for triggering female orgasm in the traditional African milieu
The following arguments seem to confirm it:
the use of kunyaza has a long tradition. The persons aged 70 years and above that we interviewed in 1986, confirmed that their grandparents also used this technique. This means that it has been used for at least 150 years. Had it not proven to be beneficial to sexual pleasure, it would not still be in practice today;
most data collected in our interviews have confirmed that most women reach orgasm when this uncommon sexual technique is applied and that
We have just presented an African sexual technique practiced for at least the last 150 years, to our knowledge only in Central Africa, to trigger female orgasm during heterosexual encounters. Orally transmitted from generation to generation, kunyaza, as this technique is termed in Rwanda and Burundi, has remained unknown to other peoples because of the weak mobility in Africa but also elsewhere, and because of the lack of written documents about it.
كنيازة … لذة الرعشة الأفريقية | kunyaza African