Learn German through Telegram | Top 6 free channels on Telegram 2021
In this topic, we will present to you the most important channels for learning the German language through the Telegram application, as the German language is one of the languages that have great importance, especially in the current period.
Many companies in our Arab societies at the present time require the necessity of learning foreign languages.
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channels to learn German from YouTube
Especially the German language because of its importance at the present time. Germany is one of the countries that attract many Arab immigrants at present.
Germany is one of the first countries to open its arms to immigrants from all over the world, especially from Arab countries.
If you are looking for job opportunities in Germany or want to join a German school or university.
This topic may be important and useful to you, as we have provided you with the most important free channels on the free Telegram application.
Which we promise you will be important and useful resources for you to help you learn the German language from home and for free without the need to pay subscriptions.
Türkische Liebhaber heiraten nach 35 Jahren Liebe
Learn German through Telegram
The importance of learning German at the present time
In the past years, everyone was looking to learn English and then French and Russian.
Now and in recent years, learning languages such as Turkish, Portuguese, and Spanish has become important and opened many doors for jobs.
Among these languages, the German language has become one of the languages that must be taken care of and learned.
In the following lines, we will show you the most important strengths of learning German:
Opening new doors for jobs, whether in the Arab countries with companies or by traveling to European countries that speak the German language.
Integration with Western societies, learning German will make you mingle with the indigenous people of countries such as Germany.
An increase in the financial return and the opening of new business areas due to mastering the language.
Providing translation and writing services in German through freelance platforms.
If you think that learning the German language is difficult and requires a long period of learning, we advise you to download the free Telegram application on your phone.
You can also download the Telegram program on your Windows version.
Subscribe now to the channels below and start viewing tutorials and tips that help you master the German language easily and for free.
7 خطوات لتعلم اللغة الألمانية عن طريق تطبيق واتس أب |7 Schritte zum Deutsch lernen mit WhatsApp

The best German learning channels
1- German language learning channel
A channel that provides the most important tips and important grammar rules in the German language.
We recommend that you participate in this free group which provides advice for subscribers.
You will also find a set of important lessons and rules that will help you easily understand the German language.
The channel has more than 11,000 subscribers.
Entering the group
2- German language channel
If you are looking for a free group that presents the most important words used in the German language.
This group is suitable for you, as the group offers various menus for different situations.
Like a list of the most important German words in schools and restaurants. Plus other lessons for the uses of verbs.
The number of subscribers to the channel is more than 1000 subscribers.
Entering the group
3- Professional German channel
One of the best channels in the Telegram app to teach German.
You will find a variety of questions and tests for different levels (beginner-intermediate-advanced).
Also, links to download the top 100 sentences in German and important words are displayed.
Channel subscribers more than 2000 subscribers.
learn German from YouTube | 7 channels to learn German from YouTube
Entering the group
4- German translation channel
One of the important channels that offer a variety of educational lessons in German.
Where there are speaking lessons, such as learning to pronounce German words and sentences correctly.
And how to form sentences in different situations.
You will find a set of tips presented in a simple and clear written form to help subscribers learn easily.
The number of subscribers to the channel is approximately 5000 subscribers.
Entering the group
5- Chats and Acoustics channel
You will find fun with this channel that helps you learn the German language very quickly.
As the channel offers various educational lessons for users of all intermediate and advanced levels.
There is also a set of files that are constantly downloaded in the group for subscribers.
Users’ listening can be improved through group lessons.
Channel subscribers are 3000 subscribers.
Entering the group
6- German language learning channel (grammar and conversation)
One of the important channels to teach German for free via the free Telegram application.
You will find large collections of images that contain important information.
Like a list of the 100 most important words to use in schools.
Or the most important 1000 words for beginners.
The number of subscribers is 3000 subscribers.
Entering the group
We have provided you with the 6 most important channels on the free Telegram application, which can be relied on to learn German easily from home.
All you need is to download the application on your phone, subscribe to the channels that we presented above, and enter these groups constantly to improve your level.
تعلم اللغة الألمانية طريق تطبيق الماسنجر | Deutsch lernen über die Messenger-App