false twin flame realistic like fiction
A false twin can cause us to obsess so much that we’re unable to see reality from fantasy.
They arrives to you at the time that you need to learn a lesson in love the most.
false twin’s arrival is no mistake, and is no coincidence at all, it is energy that both of you embody and call out to one another, from one karmic dissatisfaction, to the next.In seeking out these individuals to play out our karma with, we attempt to understand our own traumas, our behavioral models, and to make sense of who we truly are.
All that twin flame victim truly wants is to give love, and to be loved, well at least this is what twin flame believe on a conscious level. On an unconscious level, they fill their energy field with thoughts such as, ‘I am not good enough for love’, ‘I am not deserving of love’, and ‘nobody will ever love me’.More than likely, this is an imprint that they may have received from one, or both of their parents
..Subconsciously, the false twin also wonders if they are worthy, or deserving of love, but this is a query that they would much rather push below the surface, failing to pay recognition to it, instead developing a false narcissistic persona in which they are the greatest, the most intelligent, and that the twin flame victim should be lucky to even be with them! This false sense of self, and inflated ego is how the false twin protects themselves from abandonment, and neglect that they so fear.
Both of these souls hold the same inner core wound, and it is this wound that their relationship, and their karma is built around. All of the transactions within the relationship will see them being triggered by, and responding to these internal models.
Because the false twin fears being abandoned, and having to face his, or her deeply buried feelings of neglect, and abandonment, they will create a distance between themselves, and the twin flame victim, more than just an emotional distance, a physical distance in which, they are the ones who determine when the two get to see each other, for how long, and where.
This allows the false twin to feel as if their happiness is not dependent upon seeing the twin flame victim, and ensures that they can never be left feeling disappointed, or rejected, should the twin flame victim choose to cancel, or opt out of plans.
This can never actually happen.Because the scheduling of time spent together is so erratic, scarce, and spontaneous, the true twin will come to cherish any time spent together, and will surely never miss a date, or appointment, even at the expense of their own experience. The false twin becomes a drug.
This addictive, elusive, and fixing drug, and because you never know when you are going to get it, you are constantly on the edge, waiting for it, praying for it, hoping for it.
All of the energy that is directed towards obsessing over the false twin, feeding their ego, and holding them in the light, depletes the life force of the twin flame victim, while enabling the false twin to become replenished, and only further more determined in their efforts to display the pseudo heroine/champion role.
At a spiritual level , false twin relationships will manifest itself in very similar qualities of the true flame connection. The false energy has not yet mastered within themselves the higher levels of consciousness and self reflection that a true twin has. So instead of doing the difficult emotional inner work, the false twin will attach themselves to the more evolved twin and absorb their energy and essence as their own.
Whether done on a subconscious level or not, this type of energy exchange is very dangerous for the true twin.
A false twin will mirror qualities of a true twins in order to gain the level of control needed to maintain the connection.
DISTANCE is the key to this type of manipulation. Whether geographically or emotionally, this type of energy cannot not be maintained in the LIGHT.
so it will create distractions and diversions until the time comes to feed-Feed off the true twin. But in this case know that , a false twin is siphoning your fuel, not adding.
Once the false twin feels that they have got what they need from you, they soon have little or no time for you.
They become irritated quickly and visibly withdrawn.
They aren’t able to continue the flow of exchange because the energy they claim as their own is borrowed from others and From you.
In the process you don’t know which way to go.
Your heart tells you that this person is different, and there were so many signs telling you they were “the one” You shared similar childhoods, interests, goals, dreams. No one understands you the way they did.
The next stage is you begin to blame yourself for the relationship going south.
You may apologize often and always play the role of peacemaker. A false twin does not want to make peace with you.They operate in the shadows.
Your unawareness of this fact keeps you in the cycle of their purpose.
You engage in their drama and believe that it is Love that is motivating you.
If a false twin is extremely disconnected from their own soul then they can become quite violent psychically and energetically.
They will spiritually try to destroy what the true twin has worked diligently to heal while at the same time wearing a mask of light in the outer world. A false twin can go undetected until they come across someone with knowledge of their game plan or someone who is highly sensitive to energies.
False Twins can strengthen themselves energetically at the expense of a true twins life, Which would manifest outwardly as illness, job loss, depression, even death..
Here are some signs you may know a false twin (or energy stealer):…..
..*you obsess/daydream about them ..*overpowering sexual energy exchange *feel anxious or nervous talking to them on the phone, by email, or in person ..*they come into your dreams often (usually come with messages to pay attention to).. *they create distance between you by never being fully available or responsible for actions ..*controlling and manipulation tactics.. *won’t open up but will draw information out of you
..*they get angry when you pull away or have a sense of your own power ..*they tend to disappear or show no real excitement when you achieve success ..*intense jealousy and or will try to make you jealous by talking about other relationships they’ve had.. *confusion. unable to make clear choices or decisions all of the sudden.. *other areas of your life not flowing as well as before they came into your life.. *feeling disoriented, emotionally drained, tired, or worried for no reason when you are in their company or think of them.. *they will cuddle you to sleep then distance themselves. this is when the feeding occurs. a true twin does not require this physical closeness as the only way to connect ..*they cannot look you in the eyes for extended time or will give a look of suspicion ..*they manipulate your time by being late, canceling plans at last moment, saying they will call and don’t, etc., this is done to get your reaction! your energy… *they blame you for your their behavior or bring up something in the past you may have done to use as leverage.. *they rarely apologize or give clear definite responses to your questions and concerns ..*they will show up again the moment you let them go..
..More things to think about this issue in order to identify false twin flames-
A false Twin Flame will not share your vision for the future.they will not share all your deepest values with you , nor will they feel inclined to do spiritual work with you to discover your values together.False Twins open old wounds and won’t let them heal. They will not want to honestly share the deepest parts of themselves with you even if they’re pushed in a corner or persuaded to do so.A false twin flame feels like a dream come true, they tend to connect with your soul, but the connection is not genuine.In a nutshell, they look and act like your soulmate, but they will be the first ones to leave your side in testing times.Two primary roles are present in each relationship: the runner and the chaser. They are interchangeable and can fluctuate.

At times you might be chased, and at other times, you’ll be doing the chasing. In a false twin flame relationship, you will always be chasing your partner to get the time and attention you desire. false Twin Flame will always prevent you from going deeper with them , no matter what you do! They will regularly abandon you. They will find ways to split up with you, and get away from you either emotionally or physically. They will not be interested in spending long stretches of time with you.they do not want you to know they are a false because they get so much love energy out of you without having to reciprocate anything real. A false Twin Flame will likely try to take as much of your love as possible without wanting to give any love back.A false Twin Flame will not be interested in bringing your painful misalignments to the surface. they constantly bring you down .They will be more interested in enjoying your presence now as you are, and not interested in investing in you and helping you become aligned with your Divine Self by bringing up your core “stuff” to the surface for healing.
… Protect and Clear Yourself from a False Twin Invasion-
*Monitor your thoughts and pay close attention to not engaging in destructive behavior*ask the light of the spirit to surround you completely*ask your higher self/soul to be present in your awareness and give you truthful information about the person in which you are involved*LISTEN to dreams, intuition, messages, and guidance from those you ask for answers*get rid of anything linked to said person. pictures, emails, text, notes, etc., *use sage, candles, prayer, visualizations, affirmations, or anything else that feels comfortable for you and have a release ceremony..*dance, write, play, create! do something fun and positive as a new source of energy release. *when they come into your thoughts (which will intensify sometimes for months or even years) just relax and send them back to their highest self and the creator. don’t fool yourself into thinking this means you are meant to be together. it is them recognizing your energy is gone and they want it back!! not because they truly miss and care for you. *Clear your karma,You ended up with a false twin flame because of karmic cycles.
*really listen to your intuition. It will always give you the TRUTH, even when your ego has you to believe you want the person more than anything else. Your intuition will ALWAYS shine the light of truth upon you.
Everything in life is meant to teach you something; a false twin flame is no different.
The time you have to spend with them has aided your spiritual growth and has helped shape and mold you into the person you are now.You know what you like and what you don’t like. This wouldn’t have happened if the universe didn’t give you a counterfeit twin.
Know that when you cut all ties with a fake twin flame, don’t despair.Condition your mind to see the positive in the solution and be thankful for the lessons learned.Do not feel hopeless , because here’s the wonderful secret: the purpose of the false Twin Flame is to assist you in clearing the deep thoughts and beliefs of separation that are preventing your union with your true Twin Flame, and once cleared you will be in your sacred Twin Flame Union
less sex between twin flame .. more likely you are as a real relation
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