You can’t lie to the other half of your soul
Surrendering to the universe has been the best decision I ever made for myself and this journey
I followed my gut instinct a little while ago and reached out to my TF after years of separation. I sent a message (went to requests cuz we aren’t ‘friends’) and a friends request (hint to look in messages)
TF is still in a karmic relationship (I didn’t know at the time)
I know for a fact that my TF would have very clearly told me to leave him alone if that was what he truly wanted. He has always been the chaser. He never lied to me…ever. Even if it was going to hurt me. You can’t lie to the other half of your soul.
I’m pretty positive this karmic found my friend request, and not him.
I was blocked and then I received a messaged from a fake account of the karmic’s freaking out on me
Cool beans.
I blocked her fake account and deleted the message. No need to respond.
I backed up and continued to dive into my own life and healing
I had an overwhelming feeling the other day when out to dinner with family. I NEVER go out! While we were out, I could FEEL as if someone I knew was there and I just couldn’t see them. I keep wondering if it was my TF somewhere at the same location
it was the strangest thing!
I keep receiving messages from the universe telling me I’m on the right track getting songs, telepathic messages, synchronicities
One main theme right now in messages is that things are happening on my TF’s side and his karmic relationship. Things I don’t know about. Things where I’m assuming or thinking one thing (like HE was the one who didn’t want anything to do with me). The universe’s plan is unfolding and I just have to TRUST and SURRENDER
I know I will have Union with my DM in divine timing
I’m focusing on continuing on my path and sending energetic love/support to my DM during this time.
Keep going
صفحتنا الرسمية فرندة – Farandh