Out of this tradition also emerges a respect for woman’s sexuality and the necessity for men to respect the female body.
In tantric tradition a woman’s sexual organs are described in eloquent terms, such as a lotus-bud or a jewel, and her orgasmic potency is worshipped.
While Vatsyayana’s Kama Sutra is written largely from the male perspective, it readily acknowledges a woman’s capacity for sexual joy and even advises men to “place your pleasures second to hers.
” Like John Gray, the author of Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus, in our own era, Vatsyayana believed that by teaching his readers to appreciate the innate psychological differences between men and women he would be promoting greater understanding and respect.
He believed that while making love, a man is more inclined to think, “this woman is united with me,” while the woman would think, “I am united with this man.
” This subtle difference in consciousness speaks volumes about the play of emotional and physical dominance and submission in sexuality.
Perhaps, however, the modern woman is more confident about playing a dominant sexual role, while the contemporary man may be more at ease being the submissive partner from time to time.
Nevertheless, Vatsyayana insists that men and women derive the same pleasure in the sexual act, adding that “men and women being of the same nature feel the same kind of pleasure.”

The 12 Chakras And How Do They Work

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