Twin Flame Love is Telepathic
When two High Vibrational frequencies
are in Union
They will uplift each other’s
Consciousness into a Higher Dimension..
When twin flames meet, their heart
center opens and they feel Compelled to
love deeper and harder than they ever
thought possible.
The heart is a human’s thinking, feeling
and knowing center, and Generates energy
that allows us to communicate
telepathically with those we share an
unconditional, loving bond.
Therefore, when attuned to the heart
center, it is possible for twin souls to
telepathically receive comforting, warm
reassurances that the love and connection
is mutual and authentic. This
communication generates the faith
required to be able to surrender to the
When these couples meet, it is common
for them to instantly fall into deep,
unconditional love. Whenever they think
about, or are in contact with, their twin a
euphoric, loving feeling arrives in waves
to give a teaser of the sensations that will
be permanently felt when they learn to love
and accept themselves entirely.
A strong mental connection exists between
twin flames, such that when they are in
contact, the conversation never runs out.
They are so intrigued by one another they
can feel like they are the only two people
alive on the planet.
When twin flames connect, their abilities
are strengthened and enhanced, giving
them the confidence to achieve goals
they had only previously dreamed of.
For a twin flame union to be fulfilling,
it is important to find one another mentally
stimulating, which comes from being
genuinely interested in one another and
maintaining a nourishing and soul
Satisfying friendship.
Physical Connection
When twin souls meet in person, there
is an intense physical and chemical
attraction, which releases Kundalini energy,
an awakening energy stored at the base
of the spine.
The flow of Kundalini energy accelerates
spiritual growth and forces both partners
on a personal and deep soul journey where
they question various aspects of
themselves and their lives as a whole.
They suddenly begin to look at themselves
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