Twin Flames Separation Why It Happens  part 2

Twin Flames Separation Why It Happens  part 2

Twin Flames Separation Why It Happens
part 2

Twin flame separation isn’t quite a pleasant ordeal and it will leave you with a string of questions in your head with no real answers and unfortunately it will be a confusing moment for you.
However, with the confusion and uncertainty, the two of you will still be connected in a way. You will still think about each other nearly all of the time and still feel their internal energy. You will get to feel it when they are emotional, upset or even when they will be thinking of you.

Its quite sad to lose someone you had loved and still love with all your heart but remember one thing; its a stage you have to grow through and you are learning something out of it. There may not be exact reasons as to why this is happening, how its going to happen or when it may stop and all you have to do is trust the process and endure the pain.

The whole encounter is meant to grow you and therefore this is a time for you to have your own healing, spiritual growth, recognize your lessons and just be the best version of yourself. Once you are ready, the universe will reunite you once more and this time your love will be unbreakable and divine

Spiritual Unite

Signs of your spiritual connection to the universe

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The Reunion of TWIN Flames,
Twin Flames Separation Why It Happens  part 2
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