Twin Flame Kundalini Activation: Signs of Kundalini Awakening
part 1
#Spiritual Awakening can be a gentle process or sometimes it can be brought on intensely.
More and more people are experiencing this awakening as we proceed through the cosmic #energy that is literally activating our light bodies and our DNA.
It can be a very confusing and even fear-filled process when we don’t understand what is happening.
We are propelled into places both within and external that we have never before experienced.
Many people have thought themselves going crazy or losing hold of reality and in a way that is true.
This energy allows us to see the truth of the nature of our existence in human form.
#Veils are lifted and illumination takes place.
They call this ‘Enlightenment”
Our #kundalini energy lies dormant at the base of our spine, a slumbering snake in eternal sleep.
It is said that our DNA was genetically altered at the time of our creation so that we would remain unaware of our own power as creators and to keep us imprisoned in this 3D construct.
There is some in depth information on this and I will leave a link at the end for you to explore further.
I just wanted to present a few of the signs and symptoms that indicate your kundalini has been activated.
In regards to #twinflames, a part of the purpose of #union is to activate the #kundaliniـenergy in each other for full union and expression of the third #Divine energy the union creates.
This activation is #key as many of the twins have one twin at a slightly accelerated rate of #vibration than the other.
I believe this is why there is the separation phase once they find each other.
They both need to readjust and assimilate this #newـenergy activation and come to a place of balance and awareness individually.
Signs of your spiritual connection to the universe
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