Are You On a Twin Flame Journey

Are You On a Twin Flame Journey


Are You On a Twin Flame Journey???
Have you met your Twin?
Twin Flame Journey 5D Truth.
Being on a Twin Flame Journey is a Deep Commitment to Personal Soul Growth.
The Mission of The Twin Soul Journey is To Harmonize and Unite in The Physical To Help Change The Vibrational Frequency Of The Planet. This is a Journey of Twin Souls Uniting As One in Physical Life on Earth.
It is a Journey of Emanating Unconditional Love and Divine Creativity Threw The Process Of Unification and Rejuvenation.
The Purpose of Twin Souls Uniting in the Physical is to Bring a Higher Frequency of Divine Love on Earth During this Time of The Great Frequency Shift and Ascension. In Emanating Divine Love,
The Twin Soul Union is also Establishing a New Way for Humans To join in Soul Mate Sacred Union Or Sacred Sex.
This is a Pathway Beyond The Fear Based 3D Relationship Template of Conflict, Control, and Separation That Manifests in Co-Dependent Relationships. The Twin Soul Sacred Union is
A Partnership in a Pure Harmonic Flow of Unconditional Love That is 5D Divine Love.
The Twin Soul Union is About The Freedom of Love and Trust. This is a Developing Understanding That Goes Beyond Conditional Expectations.
It is a Pathway of Divine Surrender To a New Pure Harmony and Creativity.
The Twin Flame Journey is The Universal Path Of Unconditional and Higher Divine Love.
“Twin Soul Sacred Union”
The Twin Soul Sacred Union is a Twin Soul With The Same Soul Harmonic Frequency.
Twin Souls Are Unique and They Emanate The Fullness of Divine Love in The Infinite Unconditional Love As a Unified Harmonic Soul Essence.
This Emerging Level of Twin Soul Union Journey on Earth is Awakening Their Unique Wholeness in The Divine. This Allows Twin Flames to Remember Their Unified Soul-To-Soul Essence –
That is A Sacred Union of Two Souls Created in the Same Divine Harmonic Signature.
The Uniqueness in Unity Realizes The Divine’s Mission in Creation as a Journey To Allow Twin Souls To Emanate Divine Love Among Each Other and Return .That Love Into The Infinite Source of Creation. It is a Divine Play of Soul Evolution.
The Soul is Aways The Essence of The Source & Connected To (God  Goddess). The Long Journey of Creation Enables The Twin Soul Divine Love To Express in Various Higher Frequencies, Densities and Dimensions.
The Soul’s Creation Journey is An Experience of Reflecting a Non-Dual & Non-Local Love in Infinite Frequency Expression. This is the Ultimate Journey of Realizing The Twin Soul’s Oneness In Source.
Separation is an illusion. Once you dissolve the ILLUSION, you can experience your HARMONIOUS twin flame UNION.
…..If you are experiencing this journey is because the universe wants to give something better to you.
The universe wants to replenish your life with more love, light, peace, bliss, balance, abundance, etc.
Will you open your heart to receive this gift?
If you say yes, then you will have to release first everything that is holding you back.
You will need to face all your shadows and drop all the false identities and ideas you hold about yourself, until you discover the purity and power of your inner light…..
This journey is about relearning who you truly are in order to embody the divinity of your soul.
So, acknowledge that you are deserving of all the blessings of the universe.
You deserve sacred love in your life, because that’s who you really are.
You are pure love.
This journey is only helping us remember that the love we are seeking is already within our own hearts.
Once we are able to find it, you will magnetize all the blessings that will propel you to a higher vibrational reality.⁠ 5D Truth.
Creator and Author.
Mike Harrigan.
I Am.
You Are.
We Are.
Global Consciousness..

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