Twin Flames Separation Why It Happens
part 1
Twin flames separation is something that can’t be avoided and is meant to happen in most of the twin flame relationships. Apparently, most twin flames relationships are bound to come to a slight pause since its not quite obvious that at the point of meeting they both will be ready for each other.
The reunion is quite strong and would require the twins to be ready for each other i.e be in a position to take care of each other’s souls and in addition, they should have individually learnt some important life lessons such as love, loss, handling of; jealousy and hate etc.
Therefore, when the relationship can’t seem to work, it happens with a reason. It happens that there are key lessons still meant to be learnt and understood before embracing the love meant for the two.
Twin Flames Separation
However much the two of you will have part ways, you are still connected and its just a learning moment for the two of you. You are meant to learn important lessons such as detachment, forgiveness, surrender, grace, inner strength and trust.
Forgiveness will be the greatest lesson you will get to learn since the separation would have been caused by one of you either saying or doing something that hurt the other.
At a point like this, you will definitely miss your twin and you will get to wonder how to cope with such a loss. It will be painful and it would ache your heart but remember its meant to happen. Its meant to teach you something and however much you wish they would be with you its just not the right moment.
Making matters worse, you will have to go through this stage alone as no one will get to understand what you actually feel. You may try explaining yourself to those close to you and trust me the best response you can get is ‘just let go, maybe it was not meant to be.’ But no, don’t listen to them; whatever you had is no ordinary and very few people can come to really understand what you are going through.
Signs of your spiritual connection to the universe
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