التصنيف: Twin Flame
Twin Flame
The space is for sharing our experiences to help each other find Union both within and without of the Masculine and Feminine energies.
This space is about healing and finding self acceptance and love as this is the path to balance which is essentially the Union we seek.
The path to achieving self love is just as important as the destination but it is the journey that makes up our reason for living.
Set your intention to love yourself unconditionally right now, then follow your soul wherever it leads you. You may think you’ve made mistakes at times, but your soul knows all and ultimately you are made of pure Source energy. And Source does not make mistakes!
Be kind with yourself. You are here to learn and grow.
The greater the suffering, the greater the lesson! Never give up on yourself and you will achieve your dreams, eventually.
No matter what they are.
There is no right and no wrong.
Just experiences and learning.
So laugh, cry, get stupid, get crazy, love, fly, crash and get angry then get moving! Follow your inspiration and give yourself permission to express yourself freely.
Feel free to ask any questions you like here, we’re all here to learn and grow. There are no silly questions.
You are one, but we are all connected… What you feel, we all feel too.
Lots of love to you!
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