Yes we do!
The heart grows fonder for sure during the separation phase.
Actually, the more you run, the more you keep asking yourself:
“Why am I running from the best thing I ever had?”
This question haunts you. Everyday. And also the guilt eats you up.
Because you are hurting the one person who actually shows you unconditional love.
A runner twin flame has this feedback loop from hell!
It’s total torture psychologically.
Even though I apologize to my twin flame whenever the subject of my running g comes up, I don’t think that it’s enough.
I did the opposite of love. I pushed him away coldly. I was scared of what we both had found.
We both were scared.
We had major issues to work on.
The runner feels everything.
They also know what is going on.
You don’t always have to know about the twin flame phenomenon.
Just the connection is the alert that you found the one.

Does every twin flame runner feel this?
— you run because you know that the connection is real and special.
You have that affirmative feeling that you will never find it anywhere else.
So even though you go into a new relationship, you test yourself.
You want to know if you are not crazy or delusional just feeling the intense twin flame connection.
A runner’s world is hell for sure!
I hope that my perspective helps you.
Stay blessed!