How to unite with twin flame
My twin flame has recently been pulling back again
I am curious for those of you in union how separation or the process went for you?
My twin flame has recently been pulling back again.
He’s afraid to meet my children and I know those are wounds he needs to heal..
but he started pushing me away heavily when I mentioned meeting one.
We’ve known each other since we were teens but I ended up getting married young.. and moved away.
Recently we’ve gotten back in touch and spent a lot of time together..
I feel like he’s heavily stuck in his ego and I probably need to focus more on me and pull my energy away from him for a bit.
He reacts and tells me after we’ve been close and intimate for a while that I’m not his type.
Which I don’t understand because type isn’t just about looks but it seems like that’s all it is to him when he says that.. he only does that and pushes when he’s in his ego.
It’s frustrating.
I guess I’m curious how many have gone through their twin flame acting like this?
How did you respond?
I know while he has a lot of healing this isn’t just a toxic relationship.
We have a very strong connection as twin flame do.
He’s definitely the runner.
But I’m done chasing, I’ve done nothing but show him unconditional love and he has
responded favorably but then does this pull away again.
صفحتنا الرسمية فرندة – Farandh