Let you know what’s binding and what’s not

Let you know what’s binding and what’s not

Let you know what’s binding and what’s not.

Those that don’t know Dee can go in and look at your soul contracts and Akashi records.

Let you know what’s binding and what’s not.
If you’re interested in that message the page.
She also can connect and heal your cords with your divine counterpart and disconnect cords from 3rd parties and past connections.
Dee also does healing if you’re in pain as well and she also does healing if you’re trying to get pregnant and or if you’re in any pain. She also works in children and animals with her distance healing. This is a gift passed down to her and she is 12th generation healer. Her father was also a healer. Dee has helped a lot of people with her healing. She also works on past traumas from childhoods and past lives.
Dee also is able to connect with loved ones from the other side for mediumship readings. (Those cost most and need to be booked ahead of time)
Dee does so much more just ask
Also if you’re in the area Dee does hand fasting wedding ceremonies. Book at least three months ahead for those. She does Wisconsin, Michigan, Minneapolis, Minnesota, Illinois, Indiana, and Tennessee. Prices very to cover cost of travel and hotel stays. She also does a blessing on the marriage and connects cords in the astro and gives a reading of what’s to come for the next five years

Signs of your spiritual connection to the universe

صفحتنا الرسمية توأم الشعلة بالعربي

صفحتنا الرسمية فرندة – Farandh

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