The definition of Divine Feminine

The definition of Divine Feminine

The definition of Divine Feminine
What does it even mean?
Take a piece of paper and write down how DF is like in your perspective?
Her spirit. Her energy.
Her personality.
Her moods.
Her desires.

The definition of Divine Feminine
The definition of Divine Feminine


What does she think?
What does she like? Say it out loud. Is she Motivated? Light? Inspiring? Is she healthy physically, spiritually, mentally and emotionally?
Does she like dancing or singing or painting ?

Does she have flowers on her dining table? Maybe candles? Does she like to dress up ? Is she sensual? Confident? Loyal? Confidential? Does she trust herself? Does she take care of herself? Is she calm? How is she communicating with her surroundings?

Does she give good advice? Does she laugh more than she cry?

Is she happy and uplifted or angry and upset? What is going on in her life? Family?

Friendships? Bank account? Does she have dreams and goals?

What are her daily thoughts and habits?
How is her time invested? Is she lit and inspiring like a MUSE or drained like a laundry
Say it out loud.


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The definition of Divine Feminine
The definition of Divine Feminine
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