What is a Starseed ? | The Bright Star of HopeThe Starseed … The Bright Star of Hope and its Star System spreads its light over land and sea.All inhabitants of the Earth are attracted out of their nooks and are drawn towards its radiant light
The stars come with the light of hope, with the message of positivity.
With an assurance that all the light-filled joyful is possible for you exactly all and one.
Tune in to its brilliant, unaffected, hopeful and joyful light energy.

Let it flow into You, out of Your inner and out into Your bodies cells and energy systems.
When you let in and release the light, joyful light of hope in you, so much healing happens.
Trust that you are energized and energized by the light.
Trust that it will take you away from low-frequency energies and life forms and into a future that carries the light in a completely different way.
For You are the bearers of this light, and You are so infinitely loved by us for it.
There is nothing that prepares us more joy than to cooperate with You in this joyful, hopeful sphere of light.
When we extend the light torches to you and you receive them, an incredibly strong light energy is lit both in and around you.
Know how important you are for the balance in the Universe, and how great light work you do for Mother Earth and for all souls that live on and in Her sphere.
Live as you learn.
Allow yourself to breathe breaks – being mixed with doing, fun activities and joyful relationships. And above all – allow You to dare to love Yourself more and more.
Then you dissolve Your own karma and wounds in the very best way, and in the healing that is created,
Your own light only increases even more.
Trust that Your light spreads only through a thought, a breath, a feeling of love, joy or lust. You spread hope much easier than you think.
Take time every day to send the light down through your bodies, through your roots and down into Mother Earth.
Then you unite with Her light, and help Her light fill up.
By sowing light, the light grows and shoots shots and grows, and then your light exchange with each other increases in the most amazing way – and you all get to live in even more light.
And now it is the Bright Star of Hope and its Star System that comes and wants to fill you with hope, joy, light and positivity.
Its energy heals and integrates your systems in an amazing way.
You are becoming more healthy – and integration into a joyful, hopeful positive wholeness is exactly what You all need and feel much better.
So let this light spread become part of Your own light system, and let your bodies heal and integrate.
In the new opening and truth that you are now entering, there is only less and less room for doubt.
So allow yourself to feel really really good.
Allow yourself to affirm your limits in an uncomplicated and natural way.
Allow hope, joy, love and light to fill your lives even more.
Because that’s exactly how We together enter the New Time.
And remember that shared hope, shared joy, shared love and shared light is quadruple up by them all.
How can it be better than that!
Bright Star of Hope and its Star System through Oracle Sara