Differences Between a True Twin Flame and a False Twin Flame
Your twin flame is your soul mirror.
They share your “core soul frequency.”
That means that though your relationship is indeed blissful, it can also be difficult.
This relationship is one of the rarest types of karmic relationships characterized by their instant connection and intensity. Each person only has one twin flame that mirrors their soul.
They’re loving relationships meant to bring deep insight and awareness to each twin, often plagued by many trials and tribulations along the way.
That’s why there are also false twin flame relationships.
This is what happens when we find someone who we think is our perfect match but really exists to help us identify and then clear karma and patterning so that we can be ready for the real thing. In this article, I talk about the differences between a false twin flame and a true twin flame…
1. False twin flame leaves your life suddenly while you have a shared vision of your lives with your true twin.
2. False twin flames have conditional love for you while true twin flame has unconditional love.
3. False twin flames will teach you how to help yourself while true twin flame wants you to help others.
4. When a hard time comes in your life false twin flames won’t do the commitment while the commitment of the true twin flame becomes stronger.
5. False twin flames will make you anxious whether they are present or absent while true twin flame makes you feel at home.
6. Your fake spiritual twin will cause you strong feelings of doubt, while the real twin will bring you security.
7. False twin flames grow apart while true twin flames grow with you together.
8. False twin flames feel threatened by your success while true twin flame helps you to achieve it.
9. False twin flames will show you what you need to change to survive, while the true twin flame will show you what you need to do to succeed.
10. False twin flames will inspire you to awaken yourself while a true twin flame will make you do it together.
11. You will wonder why the relationship with your false twin flame happened to you while you enjoy each day with your true twin flame.
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Twin flames This Year is Meant for Unions