The light of the Ascension .. allow your bodies to the change

The light of the Ascension .. allow your bodies to the change

The light of the Ascension .. allow your bodies to the change

The light of the Ascension now shines more and more through you. The release that happens from spiritual fears and wounds can be felt and scrape significantly in your bodies. Be aware that your bodies are undergoing a huge transformation right now ✨💛💜🙏💜💛✨
The release of the polar light pushes both from above and below, and your bodies resistance can be experienced in many different ways. It is as if the energies between the rotating movements of the poles are twisted in a spiral-shaped light, and the resistance left in your bodies is twisted at the same rate.
Therefore, allow your bodies to the change, to release their very deepest resistance. Allow you to float freely in a sea of light, where you release everything that no longer benefits you and Mother Earth’s development. In this sea of light, you can rest, and let all the old soul energies that have created resistance in your bodies, release in the increased energy dance of the poles. Trust that their meeting in You will heal You.
You are in a dissolution of old security systems. And the spiritual parts of You – from both this and previous lives – that carry fears of losing security are now coming to life. Let them dissolve in the light. Let them leave You and be carried away on a wave of light. Allow your old self to be transformed to harmonize into the Light of the New Age.
The changes that you are now undergoing help you enter a freedom with your own responsibility. Through different systems, you have lived with freedom, but without taking full responsibility for it yourself. Instead, the responsibility has been transferred to different systems. And this has ultimately created locks, which when they are now dissolved, releases You to true freedom.
Within You there is a longing to be freer, and that the responsibility for freedom should be possible for You to own, not laid out on systems built to deal with a different reality than the one you are now heading into.
So now the responsibility sneaks back to yourselves. So that the freedom you live in becomes your own responsibility and no one else’s. From this arises a completely new balance and harmony. Where existence and impact are closer to each other than for a very long time. And you through this too bring Yourself much closer.
The answers to the challenges and difficulties that are formed in the development You are in right now, do not lie in trying to solve them with already tried and failed efforts. Short term allows for solutions that are useless in the long run. But longevity creates healing and opportunities, which bring a completely different security and harmony to mankind.
For you have long felt in your souls the unsustainability of your systems, and this tempts your bodies and souls in the most exhausting way. Many of you have lost the power of this.
So see the hopefulness in the challenges You are now facing. See the new opportunities and hidden blessings that lie inside them. See all the new solutions that arise in the higher frequencies of your consciousness.
As you open up to new solutions, the pole light also dries through your bodies easier. And in the light, your old soul fears and wounds of not surviving change were revealed.
For the vast majority of You have lived past lives, where Your very survival has been threatened and even Your lives ended. But don’t let these old soul wounds and fears hold you back in your current development in this life.
You are here to keep the light high and spread it. So accept all the changes that are happening, and allow them to free your body and soul energies. The duality decreases and the union between the poles increases in the process. In Your very own union of all the power and all the light you are now Offered by the universe.
For the origins of your star souls are calling you. They want to wake you up to remember all the knowledge you bring with you from your star origins. And they want you to ask them for much more help than you already do in Your own transformation and the Ascension of the Earth into the New Age.
The new light that gradually more and more flows through You, heals You and helps You raise in consciousness, strength and frequency of love. And through this, new opportunities are created and new solutions come to you, which gives you a deep inner satisfaction to follow. So trust these feelings and let them guide your life.
You are entering a New Age. And as the old cracks, a new light always shines through. So it is now time to let go of the old, and thank for all the good it has given you. And it is also time for you to take responsibility for your own freedom. And what harmony, satisfaction and power for You it is in being able to do this.
We are with You and We guide You with Divine love.
We lift You when you experience the challenges that are heavy.
We are with you through every breath.
Angels of Transformation through Oracle Sara


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