Life is possible only through challenges
Life is possible only when you have both good weather and bad weather, when you have both pleasure and pain, when you have both winter and summer, day and night.
When you have both sadness and happiness, discomfort and comfort.
Life moves between these two polarities.
Moving between these two polarities you learn how to balance.
Between these two wings you learn how to fly to the farthest star.
Life is only possible because of challenges.
Life is only possible when you have both good weather and bad weather,when you have both pleasure and pain,when you have winter and summer,day and night.
When you have both sadness and happiness, discomfort and comfort.
Life moves between these two poles.
When walking in between these two poles, you learn balance.
Between these two wings you learn to fly to the furthest star.
Life is possible only through challenges.
Life is possible only when you have both good weather and bad weather, when you have both pleasure and pain, when you have both winter and summer, day and night.
When you have both sadness and happiness, discomfort and comfort.
Life moves between these two polarities.
Moving between these two polarities you learn how to balance. Between these two wings you learn how to fly to the farthest star.
Życie jest możliwe tylko dzięki wyzwaniom.Życie jest możliwe tylko wtedy, gdy masz zarówno dobrą pogodę,jak i złą pogodę, gdy masz zarówno przyjemność, jak i ból, gdy masz zarówno zimę, jak i lato,dzień i noc.Kiedy masz zarówno smutek, jak i szczęście, dyskomfort i komfort.Życie porusza się pomiędzy tymi dwoma biegunami.Przechodząc pomiędzy tymi dwoma biegunami, uczysz się balansować.Pomiędzy tymi dwoma skrzydłami uczysz się latać do najdalszej gwiazdy.
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