13 things you need to know about twin flame sex
part 2
+ ( tips to enhance twin flame sexual energy)
4) Your libido will go through the roof
Being in tune with another person occurs very rarely and when it happens, of course, we want more.
It releases the entire cocktail of hormones, including #oxytocin and endorphins
When you start to get physical with your twin, you will notice that you cannot think about anything else.
You will want more and more because this is more than a physical connection, it is also the dance of the souls
You should know that not being able to satisfy the urge may be quite frustrating.
It may pull out some pretty powerful demons.
You will want to possess.
Sharing is not an option.
This may cause issues, because some people may be more prone to running when they feel pressured and desired.
5) You will feel connected to the universe
Making love to a #twinflame partner can feel like a fluid, an exchange of energy that is bigger than life.
You will reach new highs of spirituality and realize that #sex can be more than physical touch.
It can be a unity of two souls who have found each other.
It is a chance to lose the ego and all the masks that society has made us put.
It is powerful and frightening at the same time.
If you can #manage to put the fear aside and focus on every second of the experience,
you will grow as a person.
6) It is like a magnet pulling you
The connection between you and your twin flame partner can get pretty magnetic at one point.
You will feel attracted to him every second of the day.
Spending time together can hardly go without physical contact.
It is so strong that you can be truly surprised by the intensity.
This happens because of a phase called awakening.
During this phase, you will fully immerse into the #Kundalini power.
It is the energy of the #Divine_Mother and it is associated with the energy that fuels us.
When we get in tune with our very core and our twin, this energy erupts.
When this awakening happens, you will notice numerous signals, such as:
Feeling overflowing love
Clear mind
Enhanced creativity
Sudden realizations
Signs of your spiritual connection to the universe
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