“If we look carefully at the Virgin of the Immaculate Conception, we see a woman, an infallible virgin, divine, dressed in a blue robe and standing on a moon.
You need to know to understand this, this moon represents Sephirote Jesod. this means sexual strength and as much as the blue garment represents night, in which the great mysteries of life and death unfold.
Only at night you work with the creative energy of the Third Logos.
Work in the laboratory of the Holy Spirit must be done in the night hours.
Sahaja Maithuna should only be practiced in the darkness of the night because day sun is opposite to generation.
If you lay a chicken with its eggs in the sunlight to shock them, the same cannot be shocked and if any chick hatches out, it will die, because the sun is the enemy of the generation.
Whoever seeks the light should ask the Logos behind the sun that illuminates us, in the deep night.
The harsh reality is that at the disposal of sexual organs, reproduction is verified in the dark.
Because when the zoosperm leaves the sexual glands, it does not come out illuminated by sunlight, but in darkness; and in darkness it opens passage through the fallopian trumpet to meet the egg coming down from the ovaries. And within the darkness of the Matrix is gestation.
But if that zoosperm instead of coming out protected by the darkness from the sexual glands, came out into the sunlight, and the fetus was not in the dark and found out in the woman’s womb for the sun to give her directly, it is obvious that the failure would be a fact.
Thus, at the disposal of the same organs of our nature, fertilization always takes place in darkness.
So one must also work between the darkness of silence and the secret of the Augustus of the Wise, in order to one day reach the Intimate Self-Realization of Being.
This is what that Virgin of the Immaculate Conception standing on the moon and dressed in blue vest tells us: the work of Maithuna, or Arcano A.Z.F., or transmutation, in the darkness of the night.
We must warn you that you should never practice twice in a row in the same night.
You are only allowed once a day.
There is “violence against nature” when you perform sex magic twice in a row, violating the laws of creative magnetic pause. “
The end of the Twin Flame Journey before union
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