narcissist and the twin flame journey
I see a lot of people talking about narcissist and the twin flame journey.
in my experience I had a false twin/Karmic Twin..
I thought he was my twin, and had so much twin confirmation while I was with him..
he is a narcissist and I now know that some of us have a false twin that is a 99% energetic match to you..
they are a very high level soulmate..
they play a vital role in the TF journey..
they teach us to love ourselves and find our one self worth by them not being capable of doing so..
Your true Twin isn’t a narcissist..
they are a mirror reflection of you..
meaning an empath just like you..
I couldn’t tell the difference in my true Twin and my false twin until I had soul recognition with my true twin
from day one my true Twin was loving, protective, and my best friend even when he was fully ready to accept the intensity of our connection..
it took him 9 months of building a solid friendship, but he was never not there..and he would always show up for me no matter what.
The less sex between twin flame .. the more likely you are as a real relation
صفحتنا الرسمية فرندة – Farandh
Read more to twin flame:
Could the twin flames hate each other at first?
The story of the twin flames who hate each other (Chapter 1 – The first separation)