first meeting with my twin flame | amazing time

first meeting with my twin flame | amazing time

first meeting with my twin flame | It was an amazing time

So if you remember, About 2 weeks ago I posted about meeting my my twin flame  for the first time

and took some silly pics in the hotel room .

Well the morning of the day I left, my stupid phone broke!

I have the flip Z and it broke in the middle !

All the pics I took from the trip were gone !

They should have been saved to my gdrive but they weren’t.

I had him take some pics of us which I haven’t got yet because guess what?

 we are in seperation now! .

I literally just fully came out of DNOS last night .

Meeting him triggered a plethora of wounds and fears undealt with that I trudged through as hard as I could to achieve homeostasis again.

I feel normal again, and better.

We haven’t talked in the past two weeks.

He isn’t opening my messages so I stopped messaging.

I can feel him in the 3d telepathically and he wants NOTHING to do with the journey rn.

He is blocking me out.

He doesn’t understand the connection and why the feelings are so strong.

I am quite a bit older than him and I know for SURE that some challenges are gonna be had with his family.

Fortunately that is his challenge and his alone.

I will be here to support him through that.

I am not ready to go to the 5d yet to connect with him because “I” am not ready.

This is an exciting time though because it affirms that we are going through all of the normal stages.

This is the 1st seperation.

He needs this time to reflect on things and deal with his stuff.

I’m working on myself, my health, and career.

I’m kind of sitting back with my feet up enjoying the view while he is going through it .

I’ve trudged through the gut-wrenching stuff for the last two yrs, and cleared out karma so we could finally meet.

I am seasoned to this journey.

He is just a baby flame.

I’ve been the warrior and cleared out a ton, and I’m proud of myself for the work that I have done. As much as it pains me that he is going through it right now, I have to be on the other side of it until he heals.

My psychic and empathic abilities have matured, and I am not only able to view my past lives with clarity now, but others close to me as well. I’m not on here much anymore, but I wanted to hop on here to give an update about how things went. It was a beautiful meeting. We were both little nerdy magurdies talking about nuclear power, politics, and watching weird videos on YouTube .

EVERYTHING was out of this world.

It was an amazing time  Anyways, hope you enjoyed this short novel lol!


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first meeting with my twin flame |
first meeting with my twin flame |
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