This message is coming from multiple intuitive sources.
Gaia herself is throwing out the weighty branches of delectable-fruity abundance.
We can learn to read the signs of nature like early Celts did, and walk in the abundance that Gaia is presently offering!
Your ability to feel worthy of this love is so very key to it manifesting! You are like a radio tower. When you feel unworthy, you send out a meager signal of unattractiveness. That’s why I keep repeating the same mantra over and over about what to do in separation.
Dive deep into your own soul! The whole universe is within (kingdom of heaven).
Love everyone and everything around you. In so doing, you will find rest for your soul, and when all is said and done — the Divine!
If there’s ever a time for love, it is now. Nature throws forth her bountiful boughs this Spring, and by doing so she is luring you to her — through the call of love. Nature personified, is flirting with you. She’s pulling up her skirt just slightly, or flexing his strong arms in a show of protection and strong masculine adornment. If you hear the call, you join the universal song of love.
It was the famous song writer Cole Porter, who wrote about indulging in luxurious love, even reckless at times. Anything Goes was a tune that contrasted how love had changed in such a short period of time. Liberation can feed a frenzy, but it can also liberate us. Sometimes healing comes by letting go of our self created boundaries and prison cells. We then plunge into a new world of love that creates a new atmosphere in and around us!
صفحتنا الرسمية فرندة – Farandh