The twin flames who hate each other (Chapter 3 – Seducing The Enemy)

The twin flames who hate each other (Chapter 3 – Seducing The Enemy)

The twin flames who hate each other (Chapter 3 – Seducing The Enemy)

Written by: Heba Morgan

 ?Have you ever thought of seducing your enemy

At first, the heroine treated the hero as her staunch enemy, but she never knows that he is her twin flame

The heroine tried to stay away from the young man who helped her

years ago for two reasons, first, to protect him

from the damage that will inflict on him if he entered the war that

she’ll wage against the powerful family, and secondly, to stop

him from spoiling her plans, in other words, she was scared of him preventing her if she crossed the red lines

Read chapter 1

The story of the twin flames who hate each other (Chapter 1 – The first separation)

The story of the twin flames who hate each other (Chapter 2 - Returning Back)
The story of the twin flames who hate each other (Chapter 2 – Returning Back)


The heroine tried to seduce the hero in all possible ways, but he turned away from her at first

While seducing the hero, she didn’t forget that her only task was to get close to the wife-the main devil-she was the cause of

the destruction of her life, and the death of her father, she got so close to the wife – the daughter of the powerful family – especially

after confessing to her that she had taken the company of a businessman  (The firm of the heroine’s father) and

killed him, and when the heroine asked her what she had done with the daughter

and the mother (she means herself and her mother) the wife told the heroine – through insinuations – that she got rid of the mother

Read chapter 2

The twin flames who hate each other (Chapter 2 – Returning Back)


The young man knew the heroine changed her name to avenge, so

he decided to help her again, especially after she told him

that the daughter of the powerful family had killed her mother

 in the meantime, the hero began to lower his defenses little by little and succumbed to

the heroine, and at her request, he ignores his wife’s birthday and

went to her, he spent the whole night with her, but

The heroine fell into her deeds’ evil when she found out that she had fallen in love with her staunch enemy, her twin flame


♠read more for Twin flame:

the natural ebb and flow of soul mate relationships

صفحتنا الرسمية فرندة – Farandh

صفحتنا الرسمية توأم الشعلة العرب

The twin flames who hate each other (Chapter 3 – Seducing The Enemy)
The twinflames who hate each other (Chapter 3 – Seducing The Enemy)
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