Cleanse your energy from remnants of your pastcleanse your energy from any slowing downs attachments from the past
Written by: Heba Morgan
In case any of you need help to cleanse your energy from any slowing downs attachments from the past:
1. Destroy and then burn any received objects from a past person.
(because some gifts were given in a codependent or with a latching energy attached to it from a spirit that could affected the giver without his or her knowing).
2.Detox from stubborn held beliefs, no one is obligated to stay with you.
Don’t force people or you might receive a harsh lessons for messing with their free will. Karma!
3. Knew that the old connections learned you something about life, now it’s time for self work and to let go of that projected images over others,
rebuild your life without the need to have expectations to be reciprocated by the past people.
Some of them wronged you while you also wronged badly some of the genuine ones,
they deserve peace and you to left them alone to continue your journeys in separate ways in order
to advance in life with presence and harmony.
4. Rennounce to any idols, witchcraft techniques, addiction related objects or atypical found objects.
because they are making a bondage and a leeching covenant of curses that disturbs your peace and clarity.
5. That past person is no longer relating to you, let go of attachments or the obssession spirit of attachment might torment you as well as your prideful codependent phantasms you could have built as a bad cope with separation.
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6. Know that God is the ruler and supreme Lord of this dimension, He is the one that put most of the work to protect and raise you before you were put into the womb of your mother by Him. Praise God, return to God, renounce to the religious dogmatic spirit of fanaticism, don’t use hypocritical excuses to go on your old wounding ways,
God and the Universe try to awaken you and will do it one way or another in order to return in decency, clarity and focus.
7. God is the Father, we are His sons and daughters and he takes care of us as long as we have the humbleness to listen and to see His benevolent, patient and mysterious ways in order
to repent and to regenerate from the affliction and curses from the pestilent tumors and illusions in the old world.
8. You agreed to incarnate on this planet in order to serve, elevate, learn, heal, help and be happy,
God is the one who allowed you to be born and remember very clearly that He is a merciful God, those who do not change their wicked ways will no longer be shielded by the presence of God and the absence of God means diseas
suffering and turmoil if you refuse to embrace and thank with genuine gratitude for your Father gift of life.
Listen more to what our God is saying else the consequences might be rough.
9. Each one cometh here with a higher purpose and a mission, God can elevate you on your best path as he knows the best and the worst of you and the places and the people you should be with, not the ones who wronged you or whom you wronged though.
Find a new path.
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