Signs of twin flame union protection
5 signs that confirm that your Twin flame Union being protected by Divine
These are the five signs that confirm that your Twin flame Union is being protected by Divine itself.
1. First nonsensical but confirmed sign that your Twin flame Union is being protected by the Divine is that when your divine masculine leaves you,
ghosts you and blocks you and you really don’t know why they do this (there’s no apparent reason for leaving you) then know that, it’s divine protecting the connection by separating you both so that things don’t go beyond repair.
2. A lot of material comfort and things that you believe make you stable in life are being taken away from you.
You might lose a secured job, extremely loyal friend or a father figure in your life.
(In short everything that provides you security)
It’s because everything that is a hurdle in the way of your twin flame union or keeps you stuck in the present reality is being taken away from you so that you can be provided by those energies that lead you towards Union !!
A Divine Feminine who owns her Sexual Prowess with Confidence
3. Whenever there arises a doubt in your heart about the connection or a question arises about this connection, Divine provides you with the wisdom and answer effortlessly from any source, may be divine reach you through a video like you are watching right now.
If wisdom reaches you then know that Divine is protecting your connection and Union.
4. Another sign is that deep inside in the heart of your heart you know that this connection is divine and unbreakable.
No one can replace the place that your Twin flame holds in your heart and they always return to you with more maturity and clarity after every separation.
5. You don’t resonate anymore with the outer reality, people and your old ways of living (your whole lifestyle is changing) but only with spiritual content.
You feel a sense of empowerment and you feel healed through spiritual wisdom then know that your Twin flame Union and connection is protected.
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THE HOLY UNION | When the Masculinity meets the awakened Femininity
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