Sex and consciousness

Sex and consciousness

Sex and consciousness

Sex is an altered state of consciousness.

Sacred_Energy Exchange (SEX) is NOT for pleasure.

That’s the Ego telling you that you need an outside source to satisfy a craving for approval to assist in feeding an emptiness you refuse to acknowledge.

Sex is for reproduction. Borning the next generation to ensure the human existence continues. It’s for manifestation.

Merging energies with another Entity of Power to literally mold your atmosphere to embody your visions. It’s for alchemy.

Alchemy is the process of transforming or combining elements into something new.

You can use alchemy in Sex to transform frequencies, unlock DNA codes, turn DNA codes on and off, as well as heal your partner. Your Kundalini energy begins to rise the moment you and your partner embrace eye contact…

‎SPIRITUAL SEX TheSpiritualAlliance When people have sex they exchange energies.

This means that negative energies like emotional trauma can be passed around. f we want to protect our body, emotions & energy we are being advised to be responsible with our sexual activities and partner Ask yourself is there a mental & spiritual connection or is it just sex for pleasure?

Practicing a spiritual & soulful approach can help US attract true love.‎‏’‏‏

Twin Flames Separation Why It Happens  part 1

صفحتنا الرسمية توأم الشعلة بالعربي

صفحتنا الرسمية فرندة – Farandh


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