Clothes color energy | White for calm and black for harmony
Undoubtedly, the colors of our clothes reflect on our energies and harmony, and the more we change in the colors of our clothes, the more this contributes to renewing energy and changing the vibrations of our bodies.
Today, we will show you the colors of clothes and their effect:
1- white energy:
Use it to create a calm and discreet impression, and it is the most compatible color with other colors, but provided that it is clean
2- black power:
Use it when you want harmony and acceptance, and since black does not reflect any light, it is generally peaceful
3-Purple energy:
Use it when you want to fill the place with emotional energy and is perfect for social occasions or when you want to stand in a crowd and you can add yellow to it when you want an exciting appearance
4-red energy:
Strengthens energy, makes it more active and faster, and helps attract attention
5- Rose red makes you look more romantic and use bright red if you want to attract the attention of lovers
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6- orange energy:
Distributes energy privately, as it is sent to your worker
7- Yellow energy:
It brings joy, happiness, joy and happiness
8- brown energy:
It slows down and calms energy and is ideal for making you feel closer to the ground and practical and for others to see you as trustworthy, kind and helpful.
9- green energy:
It gives a feeling of confidence, maturity and calm
10- blue energy:
Expands your energy field and the perfect degrees of it to make you appear calm and imaginative and make you appear calm and friendly
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