Do all twin flames think of each other in the same way

Do all twin flames think of each other in the same way

Yes actually,

and that can create madness when you don’t fully understand the dynamic yet, and makes you just want to “move on” or get away from the person that is triggering you.

But there is always the underlying love and longing to be with them yet they feel unreachable to you so it’s torture.

You feel like if you can just try to forget them it will be easier, so you try and then the universe sends you more signs of them like you see their name everywhere you go, or see strangers throughout your day that look like them, or you start dreaming about them more at night.

You just can’t escape it.

If you think of your twin flame, perhaps you’ve been asking why you feel like you’re running in each other’s minds constantly?

You’re also wondering whether your twin flame is missing you and communicating with you at the same time that you do.

Spirit/universe wants you to acknowledge your journey, remember who you are or that this is your mission here, work through it, be grateful for it, and fulfill it.

One thing spirit always says to me is “It’s worth waiting for.”

They don’t want you to ignore it, move on, ask for a soulmate instead, be frustrated or in pain.

They want you to look at it from a higher perspective.

People are so impatient nowadays I myself included and they want you to stop trying so hard to be in a hurry to get to the destination and just enjoy the journey.

Trust the process!

Do all twin flames think of each other in the same way
twin flames

twin flame truths you need to know

twin flame  It’s more than just thinking

Twin flames don’t necessarily think about each other constantly.

It’s more of being constantly connected and being in each other’s energy.

The kind of energy and connection that twin flames share is something that you can’t ignore. Naturally, that’s how it works.

Because of that connection, twin flames tend to be part of each other’s lives at every level, be it physical, emotional, or energetic.

Twin flames are the other half of your soul. They are united in every aspect and need to evolve spiritually.

Read more to twin flame:

Is there a painful stage a twin flame will go through

Do all twin flames think of each other in the same way
Do all twin flames think of each other in the same way


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