The Divine Feminine and Masculine“The Divine Feminine and Masculine are equal and in unison they will both rise together to become their fullest expressions, awakening to honor themselves as well as each other and the aspects of the other in the self.The only way to free the world from the patriarchal bondage of the past is in twin thrones.”
People speak often about the separation and alienation between the male and female energies, both internally within and externally in physical form.
The struggle and argument for which is superior, which needs to rise, and which needs to fall in order for us to move away from the patriarchal ways of the past seems to be open to much debate.
Where would we be without each other?
In truth, we both need to rise, male and female.
The male essence needs to come into harmony with all that it has lost in the patriarchal rule and rise just as the female is embracing and awakening after too long being forcefully slumbered.
With patriarchy running rampant in its destruction for so long, one would think the male energy has the upper hand, but this isn’t true.
That destructive place of stepping on others and ruling with an iron fist is not male energy in a place of power, but a place of powerlessness.
That isn’t a trait of the empowered masculine.
This is not just a time for the feminine rising.
Feminine energy by definition is inclusive, not secluded or isolated in nature.
It wants to bring together, to create, to expand. To nourish, to nurture, to grow and to transform.
As the feminine has been reclaiming what has once been lost, this opens the stage for the masculine as well to take back their sacred authentic selves.
Now in this new era that is unfolding around us and within us, its about the energies rising together; Divine Feminine and Masculine moving forward in unity and setting the stage for all the unlimited, endless possibilities that