Shortcuts to Quiet the Mind and Cultivate Clarity
The quickest way to find mental clarity is to bring your whole self into the here and now.
That’s easier said than done, so we’ve outlined five different paths to get there: mindfulness, movement, meditation, heat, and—stay with us—masturbation.
The point is rarely about doing these practices correctly.
More often, it’s about feeling out the present moment, however you walk through it, and aligning your reality with what feels right.
Mindfulness practices are all about the senses: focusing on how your breath feels in your body, turning your attention to anything and everything you can hear, really tasting your cup of matcha.
We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: Heat has a way of softening everything, from tight muscles to mental chitchat. At home, the heat won’t get as intense as it would in a sweat lodge, but you’ll notice you walk out in a different headspace from when you went in.
There’s a school of thought that says orgasms can be a launching pad for intuition and manifestation.
It has something to do with the lower chakras and that floaty sense of clarity you might get after you finish.
Here’s why we think it’s worth a shot: Orgasm both requires us to be in the moment with our bodies and pulls us further into that state of presence as a result.

Take any amount of time (five minutes, fifty…) to turn your attention inward. One way is to sit, close your eyes, and notice your thoughts without trying to control them. You don’t need anything to meditate, but cushions and candles make pleasurable add-ons.
Maybe you have an established yoga practice, or you’ve cracked the code on runner’s high, or perhaps it’s ecstatic dance that gets you out of your head.
Regardless, movement has a way of smoothing out your inner dialogue, which is exactly what we’re going for.
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