Once you meet twin flame the universe will conspire to gather you with him

Once you meet twin flame the universe will conspire to gather you with him

No not at all! Please be mindful what you read and if it is coming from the genuine source as most internet articles are crap and over dramatize twin flames and drive people completely on the wrong track.

Twin flames is a spiritual connection.

Not a relationship.

Read more

the longing for my twin flame feel like chronic pain


So you need not relate it to being with someone or not being with someone.

That comes from your human conditioning and also you are confused because you feel extreme love and sexual energy for this person.

However this connection and it’s purpose is higher than what you are relating it to!

Many people meet their twin flame while being married.

And most twin flames already are in soul mate relationships – if this connection was about being exclusively with your twin flame in a relationship such scenarios would never occur.

In fact meeting your twin flame will start bringing your awakening and will push you to let go of your old traditional thinking patterns when it comes to understanding love and relationships.

You will learn that soul mates have a specific role in your life and they co exist in your life along with your twin flame.


what YOU do in this journey and how you choose to work on yourself and progress on your internal journey after meeting your twin flame is extremely important!

Universe is not going to bring you together and serve things to you on a silver platter!!

It’s about you!!

And how you progress!!

If two people are twin flames will the universe find a way to bring you two together

Read more to twin flame:

صفحتنا الرسمية فرندة – Farandh

twin flame and universe
twin flame and universe
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